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Books & Publications


National Award Winning, Palliative Care Text 

While most palliative care texts focus on symptom management, our text takes a communication-rooted, team-based approach to help providers navigate common organizational obstacles.


Facilitating a Healthy Work Environment

Focusing on communication highlights the relational aspect of the leader–member relationship, which results in more concrete and accessible solutions for employees and positions readers for long-term success in their organizations.

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Leadership Communication and YOU

This text is particularly exciting because it will be an open education resource. What's that mean? It will be available freely so anyone interested in learning about leadership communication may! 

Coming Soon


What Young Adults Really Want in a Manager

In the absence of experience, young adults tend to rely on hopes or expectations for workplace behavior. We establish communicative and relational behaviors for relating to new organizational members.

Leadership Research: The How

Review of how to conduct leader-based communication research via traditional theories and qualitative, quantitive, and mixed-methods.

Team & Employee Creativity

Creativity is the lifeblood of a successful organization, as creative employees drive companies to
be innovative and competitive.

Sidestepping Common Organizational Obstacles

Great organizations view their employees as their most precious resource. This article provides pragmatic, evidence-based tips for doing so. 

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